Internet Marketing

By Pat Smith

Internet marketing encompasses numerous strategies that can be combined to generate traffic and sales leads. To be successful, business owners should obtain a thorough understanding of the different online marketing strategies and develop of a solid marketing plan.

Internet marketing begins by creating a website or blog. Websites include multiple pages that link together. The content remains static and doesn't change often. Blogs also include multiple pages of content, but this format should be updated regularly. Some people incorporate their blog into their website. Others have two separate entities, while some only use either a blog or website to build their brand

Both websites and blogs can be used to generate sales leads. This is accomplished by offering something that requires visitors to opt-in by providing their email address. Common offerings include electronic newsletters, informational reports or e-Books, discount coupons, or items that can be delivered in digital format.

Electronic newsletters are one of the preferred Internet marketing strategies. Often referred to as Ezines, digital newsletters let business owners easily communicate with subscribers. This marketing tool can be used to build brand awareness and develop consumer trust and confidence.

Podcast marketing is another popular online marketing strategy. Podcasts are audio files that deliver information to listeners. Podcasting can be used to provide detailed product information, share interviews with industry experts, tell personal stories, or build brand awareness.

Online video marketing is quickly moving to the forefront of digital marketing. Videos are a great way to capture attention of potential and current customers. Business owners can create infomercial videos or product demonstrations, or use videos to share personal stories or introduce viewers to the staff behind the business.

The possibilities for creating marketing videos are limited only by imagination. Online videos can be a powerful Internet marketing tool as long as they capture and retain viewers' attention. Videos can be published on websites and blogs, and uploaded to video directories such as YouTube and Hulu where they can be shared with millions of potential customers.

As more people purchase Smartphones, many Internet businesses are incorporating mobile marketing into their marketing plan. Sending marketing messages to handheld devices requires compliance with FTC regulations and an understanding of how to format messages for easy viewing. Not all cell phones are created equal and it can be challenging to learn all aspects of how to format mobile messages.

Working with an online marketing agency can ease the burden of learning how to create online videos, audio podcasts, and mobile marketing messages. These professionals can guide business owners through the process of manage the entire marketing campaign. They can also help Internet businesses stay abreast of current marketing trends to ensure they capitalize on new strategies as they become available.

At Online Marketing DNA we offer multiple online marketing strategies to help business owners drive targeted traffic to their website, boost search engine rankings, build brand awareness, and develop consumer trust.

We work side-by-side with clients to develop, implement, and track Internet marketing campaigns. Our exclusive tried-and-tested system has proven to provide results time and again, as long as each step is followed in precise order.

If you are ready to learn how to dominate your niche and obtain top search engine ranking through the development of a solid marketing plan, we encourage you to contact us right away.

Due to the intimate nature of our working relationship with clients we can only work with a limited number of people. We are near capacity and once capped, we must place clients on a waiting list. We would like to help you achieve the Internet marketing success you desire and encourage you to contact us now.