There's been a lot of talk about the launch of Twitter Vine mobile service that makes use of abbreviated videos. Just as Twitter abbreviates tweets, now users can integrate six second videos to showcase products and special events.
Learning how to implement Twitter Vine will require a learning curve. No one is an expert yet because the app for IOS devices is so new. Even Twitter is still tweaking the program and gathering data to learn how to further exploit it.
Simply put, Vine lets users share six second video loops via social media platforms and mobile marketing. Vine shows a lot of promise as a quality advertising tool, but only time will tell.
Companies that use Twitter Vine will need to take a new approach to producing video ads. Considering that tweeted videos can only be six seconds in duration, marketers need to focus on producing ads that convince viewers to click and watch.
Vine is an ideal platform for presenting instructional videos, product demos, or showcasing the benefits of a particular product or service. Another option is producing videos to highlight customer testimonials, provide special offers, announce new products or contests, and promote upcoming events.
Presently, Vine is free to all users and there is no advertiser program in place. However, speculators believe Twitter will unveil paid promotion services in the near future. Rumor has it many brands are gearing up and testing the service to develop their own advertising strategies.
Twitter requires users to get to the point, so ad campaigns ought to follow that direction. Vine provides an opportunity for marketers to get creative and focus on the most important aspects of whatever they want to promote.
In a sense, Vine takes us back to the days of animated GIF which were highly popular as icons and inserted onto web pages and email messages. Although some people still use these blinking, twirling, rotating animations they have mainly fallen to the wayside.
A hot topic of conversation in internet marketing forums is how Vine is nothing more than the resurrected GIF, but I feel there is much more potential. Especially since Twitter has millions of registered users.
Certainly Twitter's Vine isn't the first video sharing mobile app, but with the number of users it has more opportunity to become the front-runner. Once it takes off companies will have plenty of opportunities to interact with customers and social circles.
Companies that think outside the box can take their online marketing campaigns to an entirely new level. Owners can create Vine campaigns that build upon one another or reveal snippets of an upcoming product launch. They can launch viral video campaigns to get viewers coming back for more. The possibilities are limited only by imagination.
Anyone who is new to social marketing ought to take time to learn the strategies. There is little doubt that this is a powerful method that can advance your company and help solidify the brand.
At Online Marketing DNA, we offer video training and VIP coaching to help owners overcome their fear and dive into this exciting and highly popular venue. Click here to learn more about our coaching programs and how they can boost your online presence.
Tags: Link Bait, Marketing, OMDNA, Online Marketing DNA, Twitter Vine, Video
Published on March 09, 2013